Monday 9 May 2022

P3: Call Sheet

Above is the call sheet used for actors/actresses, director, producer, cast and crew within the production to use when they are needed on set - this showcases what times, what locations, when lunch and dinner is when filming and added extra notes for need of equipment, etc. 

Permission to Film:
Alongside this, I was able to get verbal permission from Ilkley Grammar School (location of filming) to allow me to film within this area. This then allowed me to legally film in different area's of the school without complications. 

Thursday 28 April 2022

P3: Preproduction - Production Schedule

Production Schedule

Above is the production schedule created for 'Society Salem', this outlines when certain scenes will be filmed and is useful for all those on set (director, actors, producers, crew) to understand what filming will take place on each day.

P3: Call Sheet

Above is the call sheet used for actors/actresses, director, producer, cast and crew within the production to use when they are needed on s...