Monday, 4 October 2021

Unit 22 - P2 - Initial Idea's

 Unit 22 - P2 - Generating Idea's

The Brief:

The brief states that a Leeds based production company has secured the funding to produce a 'short dramatised sequence' that can be used to promote my television drama that I produced in Unit 21. The brief inquires me to decide which scenes would work best to gain interest in my series among it's target audience, but the total screen duration however, has to fit in between 10-15 minutes. The brief then asks me that within this unit I will need to generate idea's for this said possible sequence and then develop as well as write a screenplay a chosen sequence. 

Initial Idea's:


Luna: Luna is a young teenage girl, she is very upbeat and friendly, however, as she is starting a new school she feels extremely isolated and scared of meeting new people. We find in the first episode of the series she has magical witch like powers.

Three Female Characters: The three min female characters first have the convention of the 'mean girl' stereotype, however, later become friends with the character 'Luna'.

Male love interest: The male love interest is a side character that we meet in the first episode, we find that Luna starts to begin a relationship with him. 

Extract One: opening scene of first episode - introduction and resolution of main character - we find out of about Luna's (main character) magical powers. We are also introduced to the three other female characters and the male love interest. Extract ends on cliff hanger on Luna's moral decision of saving the animal or not. We are introduced to Luna, the three female friends, Luna's parents as well as the love interest. We learn about Luna's magical powers/abilities, this then sets up the tone and themes for the show. 

Positives of this idea: 

  • Introduction of characters and main central character 
  • Start of storyline and initial narrative
Negatives of this idea:
  • Strong use of CGI 
  • Numerous actors/actresses

Extract Two: Episode 2: Relationships/friendships between characters - At the start of this episode Luna finds the other three female characters also have magical powers, through this they form a friendship; throughout this episode we watch this friendship flourish. The extract ends with the now four girls rebelling/messing around with their magical powers. We again meet, Luna and the three female character's in this episode - we learn about their powers and their moral views/opinions of having them.

Positives of this idea:

  • Development of the character arc
  • Introducing new characters/narrative features that may be interesting to the audience

Negatives of this idea:

  • Strong use of CGI 
  • Numerous actors/actresses

Extract Three: Episode Three: Party + Revenge on male villain - Episode starts at a high school party, in which Luna, the three female characters and the male love interest attend as well as other side characters/background characters. At the end of the episode we find a teenage boy sexually harassing a girl, the three female characters use their powers to make the male teenage villain fall into a pool, however, they find he cannot swim. Throughout this extract we are again introduced to Luna, the three girls, the male love interest and the male villain. We learn about the three other female characters true intentions of what they wish to do with their magical powers. 

Positives of this idea: 
  • More action takes place that may interest the audience
  • CGI elements will interest audience
Negatives of this idea:

  • Strong use of CGI 
  • Numerous actors/actresses 
  • Setting may be difficult to locate

Extract Four: Episode Four: Introduction of evil powers - At the start of the episode Luna starts to use her powers to take revenge on power, sense of evil/tyrannic behaviour - archetype/demeanour of character completely changed. By the end of the episode, Luna is then convinced by the three other female characters to use her powers to take revenge on people. Within this episode we watch, Luna and the three other female characters - we learn about their manipulation and their ability to convince Luna.

Positives of this idea: 

  • Development of character arc (Luna)
  • Use of CGI will interest audience

Negatives of this idea:

  • Strong use of CGI (not cost effective)
  • Numerous actors/actresses
  • Time in which character conventions change, audience may perceive the character differently

Extract Five: Episode Five: Reveal of powers - At the start of the episode, while the three female characters and Luna use their powers against a male villain, the male love interest of Luna catches her doing this, in fear he runs away. At the end of the episode the three female characters and Luna run after him. Within this extract we again watch Luna, the three female characters, the male love interest and a male villain - we learn about the extent of Luna's magical powers and what she is willing to do with them for revenge. 

Positives of this idea:

  • Near to the climax of narrative 
  • More involvement of all characters

Negatives of this idea:

  • Strong use of CGI 
  • Numerous actors/actresses

Extract Six: Episode Six: Luna's loss of control - At the start of the episode the three female characters kill the male love interest in fear he will tell people about their powers. At the end of the episode, Luna's eyes, in a fit of distress and rage, turn black. Within this episode there is Luna, the three female characters and the male love interest - we learn about the three female characters will go to extreme extents to protect their identity of Witches as well as the vast power Luna really has. 

Positives of this idea:

  • Climax of narrative
  • Climax of the main character 
  • Cliff hanging ending

Negatives of this idea:

  • Strong use of CGI 
  • Numerous actors/actresses
  • 'Death' is a theme that may be difficult to portray on screen - higher rated audience age rating

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