Radio Trailer
Above is the Radio Trailer created for 'Society Salem', this was to advertise to viewers who may have not seen the TV trailer and can be accessed to a different demographic who may prefer listening to the radio rather than TV. This was created using the voice over from the TV trailer, a dramatic and ominous voice that somewhat narrates the summary of the show, showcasing to the listener who the main character is and the dilemma of the narrative. This was made using 'Final Cut Pro', so the voice over, sound effects and music within the Radio Trailer could be edited, when editing I utilised sound effects such as slamming doors, foot steps and crowd chatter; this was done to create a narrative for the listener, by using this background noise it makes the Radio Trailer much more immersive and believable, bringing the listener in and intriguing them to find out more. As well as this, the music used in the Radio Trailer was the same used in the TV Trailer, this was dramatic, action like and ominous music, this was to created suspense for the listener and drive more excitement. When exporting the trailer, it was ensured that it was industry professional standard due to the audio having a stereo of 48kHz and a depth of 16, the appropriate range of sound for the listener. This was then distributed onto YouTube to be accessed and then also aired on BBC radio for the audience to listen to.
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