Monday 22 November 2021

P2: Evaluate the Brief

P2: Evaluate the Brief

Evaluating the Brief:

1.) What is the brief? 
The brief is a formative instruction on what a certain company requires to create a piece of media. I have been asked to create a cross media campaign, this meaning numerous pieces of media (such as a trailer), that advertises the show (need different types of media products to advertise the show, e.g. posters, radio, TV, bus signs, etc). The order of the products that the audience will see needs to be found out by a managing teams to understand who will see what when. The brief will need a tag line or slogan that appears when advertising the show, this represents the show and can then be associated with it. 

2.) What are the aims and objectives of the brief?
The context from the brief implies that the BBC3 Commissioning Editor has green lit a low budget TV drama series which is in production (being filmed in HD video quality), with the editing due to be finished by the end of December 2021. The TV drama will be available on BBC iplayer
from Friday May 27th 2022 and each episode will be released on Fridays, one week apart. The whole series will not be available on BBC iplayer until the last episode is released onto BBC iplayer, and will then be available for 12 months only. It has a  target audience for the TV drama series is 15-21 year olds. BBC 3 have approached IGS Creative to plan and create an advertising campaign to promote their new TV drama series, the iGS Creative team has: 

Project Manager Ade Wilson will oversee the project’s budget, timescales, logistics and create interim deadlines for all staff.

Developer Kareem Asghar is responsible for coding any web based or interactive components, including the navigation and user experience. He is also responsible for testing any web based or interactive content.

Shoot/editor Madeline Cooper is responsible for organising shoots, camerawork and the post-production of audio/visual components.

Graphic Designer Max Booth is responsible for the design and creation of the graphics and the house style of the advertising campaign.

Creative Director – In which myself is responsible for managing the research, planning and production of the overall advertising campaign. 

3.) What drama series will you be advertising and what are the key things that are likely to appeal to that target audience

The drama series I will be advertising is the show called, 'Society Salem', this is a teenage drama show, it is aimed at 15-21 year olds thus as this is a lower age ranged audience there will be themes of romance, friendships, high-school, relationships, etc. However, as this show incorporates magical, supernatural themes there will also be a needed target audience who enjoys this genre within a show. We will need to conduct research, such as surveys to understand what the target audience wants. We need to consider the legal and ethical elements of show, thus we may need to censor profanities, images or references to sex, frugs and themes that are above the 12+ age rating. The overall objective of the show will be to get people to watch the show, this may be people who already watch BBC3 or people who have never done so. As well as this, I will need to create an app that advertises the show to my target audience that is appropriate for my the audience.

4.) Who is your target audience, be specific? Think carefully about demographics and look at the research you should have done in P1. 

My target audience is a group of 15-21 year old teenagers, this is mainly within a female demographic as more themes that are stereotypically feminine are incorporated within the show. However this is also a male target audience, as there will be action, a sense of sci-fi elements and adventure within the show, this stereotypically appealing to make dominated audiences. 

5.) Talk about how this will affect the logistics of your campaign in terms of scheduling.

As the final editing of the show needs to be finished for the end of December and the release of the show starts on the May 27th 2022, the filming and editing of the show will need to start immediately to meet the deadlines of the brief. The scheduling of the campaign will need to be put together quickly to meet said deadlines, this will include a team that can do this efficiently. 

6.) What can you do to work out exactly who the target audience is likely to be? Think about what research you could carry out and how you will conduct it. 

I can create a survey from specific candidates who fit into the target audience description  to understand what exactly they would want to see in said show. I can also create a phyco-demographic to understand more features of the target audience, eg, what they enjoy, what do they do in their spare time, what type of genre of shows do they watch, etc. I could also carry out online quizzes that ask similar questions, I think this form of research would work more efficiently as the majority of my target audience would then use social media to influence what they watch. 

7.) Are there any legal and ethical concerns that you need to address/consider before creating the campaign?  

I will need to consider ethical concerns towards certain minority groups, this will include making sure the campaign is inclusive towards all groups of people, as well as this, it must be targeted towards both men and women to reach a mass audience to ensure no group is excluded. Adding to this, I will need to ensure no slurs or images that are over the age rating of 12+ of the audience is not shown, although the narrative is directed towards audience aged 15 - 21, the advertises may be seen by younger groups, therefore it must be censored. Furthermore, when considering legal concerns, all content shown within the advert must be original and not sourced by any other groups, it must be published on the correct platform and does not convey a message that is incorrect or false to its audience. 

8.) What are the possible methods and platforms on which you could advertise your product?

I could advertise the show on numerous platforms, this including: social media such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat, Tumblr, etc. These would be in the forms of posts by different brands/celebrities or known accounts that would reach a wide audience, this could come in the form of images or video's that advertise the show, this could be the posters, pictures of the actors or snippets of trailers. Furthermore, the show can also be advertised through other methods such as: physical posters, posters on buses and bus signs, etc, these are all physical visual forms of advertising that would be seen in everyday life, thus it would influence an audience to watch the show through repeatedly seeing posters, signs and slogans for this piece of media. Lastly, I could also create an interactive app that employs the advertisement for the show this could incorporate mini games and snippets of the show and its characters, this may appeal to younger audiences who enjoy immersing themselves in gaming. 

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