Tuesday 23 November 2021

P1: Memorable Adverts

 P1: Memorable Adverts 

What is a campaign?  = A series of advertising products and or events linked by a core message/aim

Disney Step Dad Christmas Advert

This is this years Disney Advert for Christmas, as well as this, it features non conventional families by showcasing a family involving a step dad. The target audience for this will be children aged 3 - 12, as most children at this young age watch Disney content. As well as this, parents ill then also watch this as it helps represent different forms of family dynamics.

Disney - Christmas & Hanukkah The Ghost and Molly Mcgee Advert 

This was one of Disney's first adverts and TV Shows that showcases Hanukkah within a show for children; this demonstrates more inclusivity for families who celebrate Hanukkah. This target audience will be both male and female children aged 3 - 10 as this group mostly watches Nickelodeon shows as well as Disney. 

Monday 22 November 2021

P2: Evaluate the Brief

P2: Evaluate the Brief

Evaluating the Brief:

1.) What is the brief? 
The brief is a formative instruction on what a certain company requires to create a piece of media. I have been asked to create a cross media campaign, this meaning numerous pieces of media (such as a trailer), that advertises the show (need different types of media products to advertise the show, e.g. posters, radio, TV, bus signs, etc). The order of the products that the audience will see needs to be found out by a managing teams to understand who will see what when. The brief will need a tag line or slogan that appears when advertising the show, this represents the show and can then be associated with it. 

2.) What are the aims and objectives of the brief?
The context from the brief implies that the BBC3 Commissioning Editor has green lit a low budget TV drama series which is in production (being filmed in HD video quality), with the editing due to be finished by the end of December 2021. The TV drama will be available on BBC iplayer
from Friday May 27th 2022 and each episode will be released on Fridays, one week apart. The whole series will not be available on BBC iplayer until the last episode is released onto BBC iplayer, and will then be available for 12 months only. It has a  target audience for the TV drama series is 15-21 year olds. BBC 3 have approached IGS Creative to plan and create an advertising campaign to promote their new TV drama series, the iGS Creative team has: 

Project Manager Ade Wilson will oversee the project’s budget, timescales, logistics and create interim deadlines for all staff.

Developer Kareem Asghar is responsible for coding any web based or interactive components, including the navigation and user experience. He is also responsible for testing any web based or interactive content.

Shoot/editor Madeline Cooper is responsible for organising shoots, camerawork and the post-production of audio/visual components.

Graphic Designer Max Booth is responsible for the design and creation of the graphics and the house style of the advertising campaign.

Creative Director – In which myself is responsible for managing the research, planning and production of the overall advertising campaign. 

3.) What drama series will you be advertising and what are the key things that are likely to appeal to that target audience

The drama series I will be advertising is the show called, 'Society Salem', this is a teenage drama show, it is aimed at 15-21 year olds thus as this is a lower age ranged audience there will be themes of romance, friendships, high-school, relationships, etc. However, as this show incorporates magical, supernatural themes there will also be a needed target audience who enjoys this genre within a show. We will need to conduct research, such as surveys to understand what the target audience wants. We need to consider the legal and ethical elements of show, thus we may need to censor profanities, images or references to sex, frugs and themes that are above the 12+ age rating. The overall objective of the show will be to get people to watch the show, this may be people who already watch BBC3 or people who have never done so. As well as this, I will need to create an app that advertises the show to my target audience that is appropriate for my the audience.

4.) Who is your target audience, be specific? Think carefully about demographics and look at the research you should have done in P1. 

My target audience is a group of 15-21 year old teenagers, this is mainly within a female demographic as more themes that are stereotypically feminine are incorporated within the show. However this is also a male target audience, as there will be action, a sense of sci-fi elements and adventure within the show, this stereotypically appealing to make dominated audiences. 

5.) Talk about how this will affect the logistics of your campaign in terms of scheduling.

As the final editing of the show needs to be finished for the end of December and the release of the show starts on the May 27th 2022, the filming and editing of the show will need to start immediately to meet the deadlines of the brief. The scheduling of the campaign will need to be put together quickly to meet said deadlines, this will include a team that can do this efficiently. 

6.) What can you do to work out exactly who the target audience is likely to be? Think about what research you could carry out and how you will conduct it. 

I can create a survey from specific candidates who fit into the target audience description  to understand what exactly they would want to see in said show. I can also create a phyco-demographic to understand more features of the target audience, eg, what they enjoy, what do they do in their spare time, what type of genre of shows do they watch, etc. I could also carry out online quizzes that ask similar questions, I think this form of research would work more efficiently as the majority of my target audience would then use social media to influence what they watch. 

7.) Are there any legal and ethical concerns that you need to address/consider before creating the campaign?  

I will need to consider ethical concerns towards certain minority groups, this will include making sure the campaign is inclusive towards all groups of people, as well as this, it must be targeted towards both men and women to reach a mass audience to ensure no group is excluded. Adding to this, I will need to ensure no slurs or images that are over the age rating of 12+ of the audience is not shown, although the narrative is directed towards audience aged 15 - 21, the advertises may be seen by younger groups, therefore it must be censored. Furthermore, when considering legal concerns, all content shown within the advert must be original and not sourced by any other groups, it must be published on the correct platform and does not convey a message that is incorrect or false to its audience. 

8.) What are the possible methods and platforms on which you could advertise your product?

I could advertise the show on numerous platforms, this including: social media such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat, Tumblr, etc. These would be in the forms of posts by different brands/celebrities or known accounts that would reach a wide audience, this could come in the form of images or video's that advertise the show, this could be the posters, pictures of the actors or snippets of trailers. Furthermore, the show can also be advertised through other methods such as: physical posters, posters on buses and bus signs, etc, these are all physical visual forms of advertising that would be seen in everyday life, thus it would influence an audience to watch the show through repeatedly seeing posters, signs and slogans for this piece of media. Lastly, I could also create an interactive app that employs the advertisement for the show this could incorporate mini games and snippets of the show and its characters, this may appeal to younger audiences who enjoy immersing themselves in gaming. 

Monday 15 November 2021

P4: Fifth Script Draft

 P4: Fifth Script Draft

The fifth and final version of the script I feel worked well as it included all aspects of the narrative that I initially wanted to include, as well as follows Todorov's narrative rule and thus obeys rules of formal scripts. The characters descriptions and actions within the narrative are clear and the story is told structurally well to help the director, editor and actors understand the scene.

P4: Script Feedback

Below is the feedback I received after a local Director gave feedback and critical criticism of the script:

1. Wide shot - a lot of detail in action block for one shot. Choose carefully when technical camera instructions given.

2. Show don’t tell. In first action block, showing boxes is better than telling us that
3. “Light fading” - light grows in morning.
4. Zoom
5. Explanations are really nice and gives director alot of detail (art director)
6. Zoom in or out... or is it a tracking shot that follows the subject?
7. SFX bedside alarm: include it in the main action block and capitalise.

8. Character description: give clues to what types of person they are.
9. Read script out loud, make amendments and reflect.

In the final Script 5 Draft I have included below is all the feedback imbedded into this script, I have worked on each critical criticism instructed and feel I have much improved my script.

Wednesday 3 November 2021

D1: Requirements Met

D1: Requirements Met 

What did the client want? 

A Leeds based production company has secured the funding for our company to produce a short dramatised sequence that can be used to promote the clients television drama pitch. The client wanted a sequence that showcases some of the most appealing scenes within the TV Series that would appeal greatly to the target audience, influencing them to watch the show. This would then ultimately promote the TV series, objectively a marketing piece of media. As the target audience is of young teenager (15-21) age group, the themes within the show and sequence must need to appeal towards them, thus the themes of: love, relationships, friendships, magic, high-school, the supernatural, etc. The screen duration of this clip will be between 10-15 minutes, a short time to showcase a scene that will appeal to the target audience and thus it must be a vital scene that includes the previous themes. To elaborate, 'ethos' is the persuasive technique that appeals to an audience by highlighting credibility; it's overall aim is to convince the audience that the advertiser or the superior/main character is reliable and ethical. Again, the 'style' recommended by BBC3 will need to fit into its target audience, as this is mostly within the demographic group of teenagers and young adults,  the show will benefit from more relatable content; conventions of this could be 'edgy', 'indie' characters in the target audiences age group and important themes that are relatable to the target audience such as high school, mental health, friendships, relationships, etc. The setting again will need to be suitable for its audience, this possibly being a high school, a home setting, a party, etc.

Screenplay The term 'screenplay' is used to describe TV/Film Scripts.


The genre of the TV Show is a drama, sci-fi, a genre that is interesting towards my target audience as it includes themes that they are likely to watch in other media products. As the TV Show is then 'hybrid' of genres, this then can be more difficult to market to a audience as it may include a theme that the audience may not want to watch or appeal to, as well as if the relatability element is low they may not want to watch it. Below is a screenshot of the script in which the sci-fi genre is in action, therefore evidencing I have used this; this includes the main character using a sci-fi associated element, thus attracting the target audience to these features of media works.


The conflict that arrises within my screenplay is within the introduction of the narrative surrounding the main, central protagonist, 'Luna'. This character is written to have supernatural, magical powers, much inspired by the 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch' series. We learn she is struggling using these powers, deciding when it is important to use said powers, this being a secret she keeps from her friends and family. The screenplay includes dilemma's within the short 10-15 minutes, in which the character decides if she should risk using her supernatural powers; concluding the snippet she does eventually do this, in which another unrevealed character see's her do so. This cliffhanger ending leaves the audience wondering what will happen next in the scene and inspires a want to watch the series. Below is evidence of the character experiencing a sense of conflict, a build up to the later conflicts within the show, however as this is the opening of the TV Show's narrative, this is the introduction to the audience where the conflict begins. this dilemma/conflict being that the character must choose to either use her supernatural abilities and be found out by her mother, or stay quiet and let trouble ensue.

Conventions of TV Drama's:

Some TV Show Drama's include a narrative format in which they showcase their episodes containing or consisting of a series of separate parts or events, this is then called an episodic programme, this can create an interesting show as had many diverse elements that will become engrossing. While other TV Shows Drama's create episodes that are linked in an on-going narrative, this makes a consistent storytelling and helps the audience understand what is happening clearly. On the other hand, some TV Show Drama series are based on serious conflict based storylines, this may include real life events that the writer has taken inspiration from or may be a plot that needs to be focused on clearly to demonstrate it is serious and thought provoking. Some TV show's then include conflicts, this could be relating to issues such as violence, physical or mental health/threat, etc. This is included within my own TV Show as there is the conflict between characters, this is within love interests, friendships, families and also including within the morality of using the main characters magical powers. TV Shows also can include a sub-division, this meaning a subdivision of a genre of literature, music, film, etc. 'Society Salem' is also included in being a sub-genre show, my show then belongs to being a drama while also being a sci-fi, supernatural show integrated together. The show is a teen market narrative, while also being set in modern day times, the themes within it are drama, supernatural, magic, relationships, love and friendships in high-school. The screenshot below evidences that my story is an ongoing narrative, while there are other characters within it, the TV Show is based around one sole character and their journey. As well as this, as evidenced above, I have included the conventions of 'conflict' within my narrative, this being being friendships, relationships and families. In the script screen shot below, this conflict is demonstrated between the morality of using the main character superpowers or revealing herself to her loved ones.

Todorov's Narrative:

The events I will use from Todorov's Narrative key structure is a mixture of a equilibrium at the introduction of the narrative, when dilemmas start occurring within the story this is then called the disruption, causing events to happen that create interesting problems that the protagonist needs to face. As the 10-15 snippet of the show will end on a cliffhanger, there will be no sense of equilibrium, this will lead the audience wanting to watch more of the show. The extract from the show will reveal the characters magical powers, this not being the disruption objectively speaking but by using her powers this later eventually leads to disruption by other characters within the storyline to found out about her secret. This leaves the audience with an active question of what will happen, thus drawing the audience into watching more of the narrative. 

Below I have identified within my script how I have used 'Todorov's Narrative' structure, this including a equilibrium at the narratives beginning, a dilemma or disruption during the middle and a sense of a return to equilibrium at the scripts end, however leaving on a cliffhanger.

Start: Equilibrium 

Middle: Disruption

End: Equilibrium with cliffhanger

Character Arc: The transformation or inner journey of a character over the course of the story.

Within this snippet of the narrative, we understand a small growth within the character as we initially find out about her secret powers, her mindset changing as she does not want to use this supernatural element of her life in which she could be found out about it, but when faced with a dilemma she must do so, this creates growth as she is becoming more understanding of using them in the outside world. This will then lead to her later arc change as she openly uses her powers with other witches within the narrative, the character picking up a villain like persona with the change of these supernatural powers that may lead to her downfall. Within the snippet of the show the use of the characters powers results in a dilemma as she is seen using them by a separate, unknown protagonist, this is not essentially the characters fall or complete negative change. However, as the narrative progresses the character starts to utilise her powers for evil, this resulting in her central downfall by consumption of her powers in a negative way. Through this, the character then experiences a transformation, going from a positive character to then a negative one through the influence of others and the negative connotations of powers. Through these changes there is not then a 'flat arc' as there is many events that result in the character faces her fears and then overcoming them. Ultimately, we get a sense of a character arc as at the beginning of the snippet she refuses to use her magic in the outside world, however she ultimately outwardly does to thus showcasing character change and development. 

Below I have included the characters first dilemma in which she wishes to not use her magical powers in fear of being found out by others and being somewhat punished or alienated by it. To counter this I have then added the end scene in the script in which the character does eventually use her powers, however she is seen doing this, in which we do not know the consequences of this.



Who is my audience? 

My audience is ranged from between 15 - 21, with both a female and male target audience, however as the themes within the TV Show surround female related viewing likabilities, such as romance, friendship, magic and high school, there would be much more of a female led audience due to this. 

Niche or Mass audience?

The audience is mainly a mass audience as the themes with the show are universal and relatable within a larger grouped audience. Previously, I have mentioned that the audience viewer will be both male and female, however as there is many stereotypical female themes such as romance, friendships and high-school, the percentage may be heavier within the female audience. However, as the overall target audience is teenage led, this gives a mass audience, as well as the show featuring many stereotypical themes that teenage audiences watch. 

Audience Pleasure:

Audience pleasure comes from empathising and identifying with characters or content represented in them; soap operas or lifestyle magazines can offer audiences this kind of enjoyment. Within my own show, the central character is a female, teenage young high schooler, this in general can be relatable for most audiences as it can fit with many descriptions. However, the character also fits within the positive, indie, lonely teenager, this stereotype can fit well with mass audiences. As well as this, themes such as mental health, sexual harassment and bullying are incorporated within the show, as these are real life modern problems, it will be relatable for the audience, especially if they fit within the age group for the show. To add to this, there is also positive themes within the narrative such as friendship and romance, therefore, this will then be  relatable towards the audience as they can identify with the central character who involves herself within these themes. 

Escapism/Surveillance/Personal Identity/Personal Relationships: 

The show offers a sense of insight into personal relationships as it showcases a high school life that features drama, romance and friendship - this can also be labelled as escapism as some people may not experience the life of high-school. Another sense of escapism within the show is the supernatural elements, as it has now become a modern trope in which people may wish to have said super powers. The show also fits within themes of personal identity as the main, central character, 'Luna' fits many tropes of stereotypical teenage girl, with interests of friendships, relationships, interest in love and school. However, surveillance is not featured within the show as it is not a documentary style narrative. 

Characters - Why do your characters appeal to them/are they relatable?

My characters appeal to my audience as the central character is a young, teenage girl who experience many real life modern problems within the narrative, such as: trouble making friends at a new school, bullying, sexual/physical harassment, relationships and heartbreak. As well as positive modern events such as: making groups of friends, partying, life at school, bonds with family and happy romantic relationships. Thus, the central character, 'Luna' has many relatable qualities that my target audience, who is mainly populated within a female audience can relate to. This also includes side characters such as the 'three girls' named within the script, as they have a very strong bonded friendship, although these characters are not yet introduced within the 10-15 minute sequence. However, the parental figure, 'Sarah' is introduced within the 10-15 minute snippet sequence, this could be a relatable character for parents who watch the show - this protagonist being a middle aged single mother who has a modern and progressive job role. Ultimately, I feel there is a strong sense of interest to be had from some of the main characters within the show as they have relatable themes within their character archetypes and can be paralleled to modern day teenagers. 

Setting - Location of setting

The show is set within a modern day world (21st Century) in Yorkshire, England - this location seamed more fitting as the BBC company is a UK based film corporation. The series has numerous settings, these consisting of: a high-school, a home setting, other homes in which parties and events ensue, as well as exterior settings such as streets, roads, outside settings, etc. The town in which this is set is objectively 'normal', the setting including rows of houses, a school, parks, work places, etc - thus, a modern and average place, much like many Yorkshire towns and villages in which they are quiet and respectable. 

Below I have included a screenshot of the setting described in the script, this then evidences I have showcased a well established and described, believable settings that my audience can relate and recognise. 

Recognisable or Alternative?

I feel this is a recognisable setting for those in the UK, as villages and towns such as this are very common. However, U.S. or other countries, who do not see this setting within their own lives, for example in America there are the suburbs in which they are more populated and busy or on the other hand, very quiet, unpopulated places in which only a single house may live for miles, may not recognise this. Ultimately, as the setting is in a English heritage place I feel this will be relatable for viewers within the UK. 

Uses and Gratifications:

The Uses and Gratification, created by Blumler and Katz in 1974, is a theory (idea) that audiences take an active role in using the media. Different forms of media that cna be used are: 

  • TV/ Film

  • Social media

  • Internet

  • Music

  • Radio

  • Magazines/newspapers 

The theory states that an audience will use a media form for either one of the four ‘audience pleasures: 

Personal Relationships - Seeing how characters on screen maintain their relationships, comparing this to our own. As well as Media texts can also help us make connections with other viewers by discussing media texts with friends 

Surveillance - The media keeps the audience informed with current events. People can acquire information, knowledge and understand through media products. Any information can be learned through different forms of media. 

Personal Identity - Identifying with characters on screen, helping us make sense of our own identity, find role models and people with similar values. Use of media to reinforce personal values by coming closer to similar and desired people/ products.

Escapism -  Pure entertainment: escapism thrills, sexual excitement, action etc. Use of media to escape the humdrum of their boring everyday lives. Access media forms to forget about worries and troubles for a while (escapism). 

'Society Salem' can be used as a media product that gratifies personal relationships, personal identity and escapism. 'Personal relationships' are showcased within the show through friendships, romantic relationships, parental figure relationships - all of these can be discussed by the audience and used as relatable forms of conversation between friends. Adding to this, the convention of 'personal identity' is illustrated within the show, the central character arc of 'Luna' helps convey this, she is a relatable, teenage character and therefore audiences can relate to this character. Personal values can be reinforced within the show as the narrative demonstrates modern day problems and political issues that can be transferred as relatable to the viewer. Lastly, the convention of 'escapism' is present within 'Society Salem' escapism thrills, sexual excitement, action and more is showcased within the narrative. 

P1: Job Roles

 Job Roles:

P4: Fourth Script Draft

 P4: Fourth Script Draft

The fourth version of the script helped to create more of a mood within the narrative, instead of there just being simple lines and actions, I used more parenthetical's and descriptions to help aid the tone of characters lines, settings, etc.

P4: Second Script Draft

Second Script Draft

The second script was changed to add more dialogue and actions from the characters - the story was developed so there could be more action/events happening in the script. 

P4: Third Script Draft

Third Script Draft:  

Between each script change, there is been more dialogue added as well as the correct labelling of characters names and interior/exterior setting locations. For my second script I focused more on the structure of the script and getting the formatting correct as well as fitting this scripts tone more into the genre. 

P3: Call Sheet

Above is the call sheet used for actors/actresses, director, producer, cast and crew within the production to use when they are needed on s...