Wednesday, 16 March 2022

P4: Radio Trailer

 Radio Trailer

Above is the Radio Trailer created for 'Society Salem', this was to advertise to viewers who may have not seen the TV trailer and can be accessed to a different demographic who may prefer listening to the radio rather than TV. This was created using the voice over from the TV trailer, a dramatic and ominous voice that somewhat narrates the summary of the show, showcasing to the listener who the main character is and the dilemma of the narrative. This was made using 'Final Cut Pro', so the voice over, sound effects and music within the Radio Trailer could be edited, when editing I utilised sound effects such as slamming doors, foot steps and crowd chatter; this was done to create a narrative for the listener, by using this background noise it makes the Radio Trailer much more immersive and believable, bringing the listener in and intriguing them to find out more. As well as this, the music used in the Radio Trailer was the same used in the TV Trailer, this was dramatic, action like and ominous music, this was to created suspense for the listener and drive more excitement. When exporting the trailer, it was ensured that it was industry professional standard due to the audio having a stereo of 48kHz and a depth of 16, the appropriate range of sound for the listener. This was then distributed onto YouTube to be accessed and then also aired on BBC radio for the audience to listen to.

Above is the FCPX interface for the sound effects, voice over and music for the both the Radio and TV Trailer, these were used as background noise to immerse the viewer within the Trailer. This was an essential part of the trailers as it helps create a narrative and realistic world that the audience can immerse themselves in. The voice over was created to narrate important aspects of the show that may not be visible to the viewer, such as the main characters name, the specific setting and an overall message of what the show entails (e.g., magical powers and the supernatural). The music was needed to create suspense and drama within the trailer, without it the ominous effect may have been taken away and would not have been as engaging for the viewer and listener.

P4: Social Media

Society Salem - Social Media




Each social media post was created using an iPhone, utilising and distributing the advert on platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Facebook using an internet connection. These were created to drive more excitement from the target audience, many brands and companies create social media awareness of their product to create more interest and hype. When creating each post, it was ensured that the tagline, poster, slogan, title, release date and brand was included; all of these being advertising components that let the viewer know what the show is, when it is being released and who it was made by. Each post also has a profile to which the audience can ask questions on and learn more about the show. 

Above is evidence of the creation of the poster, to do this I used Affinity Designer. I used an image from 'Pixabay' which allows the usage of copyright free images (this being the witch within the setting of the woods). However, I then again used Affinity Designer to create the ident of the show 'Society Salem', utilising numerous colour palettes such as pink and purple that I felt fitted better with the somewhat larger female audience. 

P4: TV Trailer

 BBC Society Salem Trailer

Above is the TV Trailer created for 'Society Salem', using 'Final Cut Pro' and distributed on YouTube and other social media platforms. This was created using footage created specifically for the show using actors and real life settings, the voice over was also originally created to narrate the plot of the show and intrigue the viewer. However, some footage as well as the music was taken from a copy right free online source called 'Pixabay', as this was footage and music that could not be created at the time. After each shot was filmed, it was then exported into 'Final Cut Pro' and then edited, each piece of footage had a dark blue filter over the top to create an ominous and moody effect, this was for scenes when the theme of magic was not involved. While on the other hand, when scenes including themes of magic and the supernatural were shown, a bright yellow/orange filter was overlayed onto the footage. After the footage had been put together, this being done by cutting each piece of footage to my likening and utilising common film industry tropes of editing such as: smash cuts, cut aways, jump cuts, etc to create an immersive effect. After this, the already chosen music was overlayed on top of the footage, this was done so in a way in which each scene cut to the beat of the music to create a more dramatic and suspenseful effect. Lastly, the voice over was put over the top of the music and footage as to narrate what was being shown on screen. I had to cut the voice over into four pieces as the correlate with the pace of the footage and music, again to create a dramatic effect. This was then uploaded and distributed onto YouTube for the target audience to see. 

Above is the FCPX interface for the sound effects, voice over and music for the both the Radio and TV Trailer, these were used as background noise to immerse the viewer within the Trailer. This was an essential part of the trailers as it helps create a narrative and realistic world that the audience can immerse themselves in. The voice over was created to narrate important aspects of the show that may not be visible to the viewer, such as the main characters name, the specific setting and an overall message of what the show entails (e.g., magical powers and the supernatural). The music was needed to create suspense and drama within the trailer, without it the ominous effect may have been taken away and would not have been as engaging for the viewer and listener.

Additionally, above is the FCPX timeline for the TV trailer, this showcases where each piece of footage has been placed and in what order, where the music has been placed, the timing in between each piece of footage, the labels and names of the footage, etc. This showcases evidence that the TV trailer is my own and not sourced from any other sight. 

P3: Storyboard


P4: Poster

'Society Salem' Poster:


Above is the Poster and Billboard created for the show, 'Society Salem'. Both of these were made by using Adobe Photoshop to create the title, image, brand names and release date text. Firstly, I resourced an image that best suited the theme of the show from 'Pixabay' and then uploaded this as the background image, after this I then used the ident previously created at the top middle of the poster to draw attention to it. The ident was also made using Adobe Photoshop, using a colour scheme that correlated with the themes of the show as well as targeted towards the main gander of the target audience, this being women. Moreover, I included the release date and the company it was made by so the viewer can understand who it came from and if they like or have previously watched content from that company as well as understand when it can be viewed. This was then uploaded onto numerous social media platforms such as: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.

Above is evidence that I have used Affinity Designer to create the poster, utilising copyright free images for the background and using my own created ident for the title. This showcases I have not taken any content illegally from other sources and the poster was only created for the purposes of the advertisement for 'Society Salem'.

Above is evidence that I used Affinity Designer to create the Ident for the show 'Society Salem', this showcases I have not sourced the title from any other media production and is my own. I utilised the colour palettes of pink and purple to accommodate to the largely female target audience for 'Society Salem', stereotypically more female audiences liking these colours. Additionally, the font and style of the title fits within the genre of drama, this being seen through the text being very much over the top, ominous and dramatic. 

P3: Call Sheet

Above is the call sheet used for actors/actresses, director, producer, cast and crew within the production to use when they are needed on s...