Tuesday 24 November 2020

P3 - Permission to Film

Permission to Film Email

If email screenshot above is unclear a pasted copy is below:

To Sir/Miss,

I am creating a music video in co-ordination with Ilkley Grammar School’s Sixth Form Media Department, the setting of this music video is set in locations in Ilkley, such as: Ilkley Park, Ilkley Graveyard and Ilkley streets (specifically North Parade). I require your permission to film in these locations under the circumstance my crew and I follow the COVID 19 guidelines of social distancing, wearing a face covering, using hand sanitiser when needed/necessary and washing/cleaning any props/clothes used to prevent risk of infection. 
Please let me know if you can meet my requirement of a permission form,
Thank you very much, 
Alex Mallinson


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P3: Call Sheet

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